Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 3

The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 3
by: Palyn Peterson

At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy,
no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate
is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true.

Some of you may have heard of these ideas before, others may be entirely
new to you. But whether you are familiar with these super secrets or not,
it will be well worth your while to put them into effect in your own
life. The magic they will work on your financial life is guaranteed. I
urge you to put them to work - any one of these could change your life!
Big changes come from small steps. One plus one does equal two, so if you
add one from eleven different places, you will see big results.

This is a four part series giving you advice on saving your hard-earned
money in a variety of down-to-earth ways. Nothing here is anything that
anyone can't do on a daily basis.

Amazing Money Tip #6

Do what you love and the money will follow. I think there's a book by
that title. At any rate, it's true. One of the primary reasons that many
people live paycheck to paycheck, and are broke despite working very hard
at their jobs, is the fact that they hate what they do.  

If you hate your job, you will not have a positive attitude toward money.
You will associate money with that dreadful sound of the alarm clock
every morning. Once you tie up your source of wealth and income with
drudgery, that's exactly what the majority of your life will become:

Starting today, you should begin planning your escape. The first thing
you should ask yourself is: "If money were no object, what would I be
doing? What do I like to do most for fun, and is it possible that I could
get paid for it?"

Sound ludicrous? It's not. In fact, if your work is not also your play,
you are fighting against yourself. You will eventually burn out and hate
the world. On the other hand, if you get up every day being exciting,
positive and looking forward to what you are going to be doing - and
making money at it - you will automatically move toward doing more and
more of what you love, and making more and more money at it. If your
dream job means starting your own business, don't let that stop you
either! It is much easier than most people think. Look in to it, it could
literally change your life.

Amazing Money Tip #7

You must get organized. Being a tidy, efficient person has more influence
on how much money you make more than you can ever imagine.

If you want to have a lot of money, you can't afford to be a slob. Think
about it. Let's say you are at your desk trying to get some work done.
You need to find the stapler, but because your office is such a pit, you
spend 15 minutes looking for it. You've just spent 15 unproductive
minutes. Next you may need to locate a file, and that takes you 20
minutes of sifting through paper. Another 20 minutes down the tube. By
the end of the day, you may easily burn up two or three hours doing
something as trivial as looking for things. The same goes for any kind of
job you might have. If you are an auto mechanic, how much time do you
spend trying to find a nine-sixteenth wrench, when you could have it at
your fingertips.

It's disorganized people who are always saying at the end of the day: "I
seem to work so hard but get very little done!" Of course! You spent the
entire day looking for the Scotch tape!

The fact is, time is money. The more time you spend unproductively, the
less time you are earning money. Clean up your office. Organize your tool
shed. Get your bookwork organized. Think of every minute saved as a buck
in your pocket.  

Amazing Money Tip #8

Make your own daily top 10 list. Speaking of getting organized, you
should sit down every morning with your cup of coffee and list the top 10
things you would like to get done that day. Then organize them in
priority of importance. Start at item #1 and go down the list as fast as
you can.

Make no doubt about it - this is a powerful way to get work done. It will
put hoards of cash in your pocket. The reason is that making money is all
about movement - forward movement. As the famous novelist Ayn Rand told
us, in a capitalist society the most important things a person can do is
move forward every day!

Having a top ten list will ensure that you accomplish something every
day. You may not get through the whole list every day, nor should you
necessarily try. Just do your best. At the end of the day, you should be
able to look at your list with pride, examine the scratched off items and
say: "That's what I got done today! I did something to better my life and
create wealth!"

Again, this method has been used by a majority of the most wealthy and
successful people in history. Shouldn't you join the club?

The next of the 11 best money saving ideas of all time will be discussed
in part 4. Until then, take note of what you have learned so far and put
this information to good use. Read and reread this article; I bet you
will notice a difference sooner than you think.

Copyright © by Palyn Peterson


About The Author

Palyn Peterson publishes the acclaimed Advanced Internet Marketing News.
A professional newsletter with a refreshing perspective and a strong
focus on no-cost techniques. http://FutureInternetMarketing.com. FREE Tips, Tricks, Tools,
Resources, eBooks, and More!

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